- highly adjustable solution for online surveys and questionnaires -

Flexible customized solution

Synet Survey offers customized solution. It differs from alternative solutions by flexibility & individual approach based on specific requirements. No hidden limits or costs.

Integration with the partner sites

Data collection can be done simply by inserting supplied script on yours or partner's site. Slicky seamless integration.

Continuous and final reporting

Depending on requirements it is possible to use regular automated reporting or individual evaluation of the survey after the collection phase.

Survey process

Mission critical requirements are discussed with the client which results into finding the most technically and cost-effective solution.

  • I.


    Survey goal

    Definícia cieľov

    This phase determines how data is collected. The target group - it's preferences, social attributes and the time of data collection - are decisive.

    For example, a survey of shopping preferences should be handled directly on the eshop site - the results will have greater predicative capability than a collection made, for example, on a social network.

  • II.


    Portfolio of questions

    Portfólio otázok

    Clarifying the form of offered questions & answers is the key moment that may either encourage or discourage the respondent.

    The questions must be clear, concise and possible answers unambiguous and not suggestive. It is recommended to cross-confront critical questions in order to assess the reliability factor.

  • III.


    Technical implementation & testing


    Even though costy, this phase may not be so critical for the success of the survey. Usually it applies proven technical solutions.

    By using standard UX elements, it is possible to prepare a survey within hours or days.

  • IV.


    Data collection

    Zber údajov

    Depending on the target segment and client requirements, it can take several days to weeks.

    Data is centrally collected, continuously verified & backed up daily. It is possible to send collected data to an external server, or send daily statistical summary of the processed data.

  • V.


    Final reporting & evaluation


    The final evaluation is defined by the primary objective of the survey. It can reach varying degree of processing - from simple evaluation to complex data normalization and elaborating aesthetic reports.

    The report includes the delivery of data on a storage medium (e.g. CD/DVD). Conclusions of the evaluation report must be verifiable and reproducible in the future.

Professional development of web applications and custom solutions. Consultancy services.

